Our caseworker contacted us today about Bill's medical form. She said there was a "mark" on the paper, and the facilitator in Ukraine said our whole dossier could be rejected because of it. SO....tomorrow I am going up to the doctor's to get a new form filled out. I called today, and they said they would have it done by the end of the day, including notary. We will then have it apostiled on Saturday, and to Larissa on Monday. I looked at my copy of the form, and Dr. T wrote a 2 instead of a 1 for January when writing the date, and put a line through it. That's the culprit!
The little bit of good news is that the facilitator is going to attempt to register us "as is" next week. Surprisingly, she said SDA has been submitting a week after registration. I have learned through this process to not get too excited about what "may" happen, although the smallest bit of hope always fills me with so much happiness.